New probe: teachers making mistakes v1

February 20, 2018 / 0 comments

I want to know what teachers see as mistakes and what they do with them. Therefore I design a new probe: redesigned from the one I did with makers. In earlier interventions I discovered that asking for mistakes is not opening up the conversation with teachers. (This is different than my experience with makers). In…

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The Museum of Failure

June 26, 2017 / 0 comments

We are to afraid to make mistakes, that’s not only a soft conclusion from my cultural probe study on mistakes but also the opinion of Samuel West, director of the Museum of Failure in Sweden. Why are mistakes that important in design and innovation? Mistakes are leading to innovation. And we need to acknowledge the…

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Living Atlas: Foutje bedankt, de foute(n) atlas

May 31, 2017 / 0 comments

[this publication and post is in dutch because of the dutch participants that joined the cultural probe] Ons onderwijs is aan veel verandering onderhevig. Toch lijkt veel van ons huidige onderwijs nog steeds op de oorspronkelijke inrichting. Tijden veranderen, en onze onderwijssystemen moeten bij de veranderende tijden aansluiten. Onderwijs moet voorbereiden op de snel veranderende…

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